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Profit Swami Tactics & Strategies from a Self-Made Millionaire & Online Entreprenuer

What are YOUR Standards?

I mean ETHICAL standards.

Here’s what I’ve seen, over and over again. Someone gets involved with affiliate/internet marketing. They start noticing a lot of people doing unethical things, some are borderline, some are flat stealing from and cheating people.

At first they’re disgusted by it, and they vow they’re gonna do it the right way, honestly.

Then they start going to internet marketing conference, start hanging out with people in the industry.

Slowly, they’re standards start falling. What they thought was unethical a year ago, is suddenly OK to do. (Deep down they feel guilty, but they just bury the guilt in all the money they’re making.)

A year later they’re running acai berry flogs, openly spamming, and snorting cocaine with a room full of hookers.

And there you go, from upstanding citizen to bonified white colar criminal in 2 years.

(Now, I should say, NOT everyone in IM turns into crook or crackhead! But almost everyone has their standards LOWERED.)

So what happened?

If you don’t work hard to maintain high ethical standards, associate with most people in the IM/affiliate crowd will drag you DOWN.

And if you let your standards drop a little bit, and then a little bit more, and then a little bit more again, then before you know it, you’ll be pushing fake new articles and fake blogs promoting bogus diet offers too.

I’m not just talking about standards and ethics because it the right thing to do, but also if you want a long term business you need a build your foundation on integrity.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Life

I’m gonna make this post short and simple.

Here’s what you’ll get in life: EXACTLY what you SETTLE FOR!

I want you to think about that. Really think about it.

When have you said “this is good enough” or “I’m comfortable where I’m at”??

I see a lot of people get their businesses to $10k to $20k a month and they’re happy with that.

If that’s what you settle for that’s ALL YOU’LL EVER MAKE.

I’m not just talking about making money here, if you settle for less in any area of your life than YOUR CHEATING YOURSELF OF YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL.

You should NOT be thinking about “how can I get comfortable”, you need to be thinking “how can I get UNcomfortable, so I can learn and grow and reach my FULL potential.”

If you keep pushing yourself and get uncomfortable, I promise you, you will have a very comfortable life.

Starting from Scratch: What I’ve Learned

WOW! I can’t believe the response I got from my last post.

In light of that I wanted to do a follow up post on what I’ve learned through this whole experience.

In a nutshell here’s the TOP 5 things I learned :


No product, or traffic source lasts forever. In particular, if your business is dependent of ONE traffic source for 90% of your sales you’re treading on thin ice.

Whether it’s PPC, SEO, mail order or whatever, it can dry up FAST.

You NEED to have several SOLID traffic sources that are making you money.

As far as products, every product has a life cycle and unless your coming out with (or promoting) new product on a regular basis your business is on it’s way to a slow death.


I had a good chunk of change saved up in the form of liquid assets that got me through these last 6 months, and paid for my investment costs.


Fear is the only thing that will cause you pain, keep focusing on what you’re trying to accomplish and get busy working towards it.

The more you focus on the past and what you could have done differently OR on what will happen if you were to fail, the more pain you cause yourself.

EXPECT to WIN. And keep working towards building (or re-building) your business.

I know the feeling of FEAR. Fear so bad that your stomach and back starts hurting.

When you push forward in spite of that level of fear, NOTHING WILL STOP YOU.


Until you’re pushed WAY out of your confort zone, you have no idea how POWERFUL YOU REALLY ARE.

There’s a power within you that is GREATER than any obstacle you’ll ever face.


My mindset has always been : “I will succeed or die trying!”

If you don’t burn your bridges, you’re NOT a 100% committed.

If you’re not 100% committed, you’re dead in the water.

“What if You Had to Start from Scratch Again?”

“What if You Had to Start from Scratch Again?”

That’s a question I’ve been asked before, and I never really knew how to answer it until this year.

Because this year I had to START AGAIN FROM SCRATCH.

Anik and I parted our ways, I’m no longer doing PPC Classroom (was great while it lastest! :) )

Google had shut down my Adwords account because I was an affiliate.

So everything I have talked about this on this blog was suddenly being put to the test.

Do you get rich by luck, being at the right time at the right place, or is it really a combination of mindset and having the right (easily learnable) skills?

If market conditions drastically changed (as they did), could I get it all back?

Does you success depend on the inside, or the outside conditions?

Before I tell you what I discovered, let me tell you a little about my journey….

Now over the last 9 months I’ve tried many different strategies and approaches to building a new business and getting my 7-figure income back.

Many of the approaches FAILED. But I kept pushing forward – NO MATTER WHAT.

I was a 100% committed to success.

And NO it wasn’t easy. Starting from scratch will never be easy. In fact the experience shook me to my CORE.

And YES, I now have a new business (outside of IM) that’s booming and I’m on track to hit my old income level in a few months.


Once you have your wealth thermostat set at being a millionaire, you can lose it all, and come right back.

Another thing I’ve learned is that being a 100% committed and taking MASSIVE ACTION in the face of failure is the #1 KEY to SUCCESS.

No matter what the results, you have to keep CHANGING your STRATEGY until you ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL.

“Try Not. Do or Do Not.”

That’s what Yoda said to Luke when he was trying to use his mind to lift the spacecraft out of the water!

There’s an important lesson in that. I hear so many people say “I’ll try.” or “I’ll give it a shot.”


If you’re goal is to build your own business and get free from you job, it’s gonna take EVERYTHING you’ve got.

Either commit to it 100% or don’t waste your time. If you’re not gonna give it your 100% your better off working harder at your job so you can get that mickey mouse promotion and make an extra whopping $20k/year.

SERIOUSLY, if your goal is to TRY then PLEASE don’t waste your time.

When I started my business I committed 100% and told myself “THIS is it, I’m either gonna make this work, or I’m gonna die. PERIOD.”


If you don’t you gotta find something that you’re willing to fight and die for.

Is it your family?

Is it your freedom?

It’s probably not money, you gotta find something BIGGER.

When you find THAT, and you make a do or die commitment to make your success a reality, then NOTHING ON THIS EARTH WILL STOP YOU.